Improving long-term health and well-being of people living with HIV: Learning from country experiences in chronic care

Event Details
Date / Time | 27 November at 9.00am to 11.00am |
Venue | European Parliament - Room JAN 6Q1, 60 Rue Wiertz, Brussels, Belgium Map |
Contact | HIV Outcomes Secretariat |
Launch event hosted by Christofer Fjellner MEP (EPP, Sweden), Karin Kadenbach (S&D, Austria) and Frédérique Ries (ALDE, Belgium)
Vytenis Andriukaitis
European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety (via video)
Mario Cascio
Vice-Chair, European AIDS Treatment Group
Giovanni Guaraldi
Head of the Modena HIV Metabolic Clinic, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Michel Kazatchkine
Special Advisor to Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS for Eastern Europe and Central Asia and Chair of the Board, AFEW International
Peter Månehall
Public Advocate, HIV Sweden
Ellen Nolte
Professor of Health Services and Systems Research, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Peter Reiss
Immediate Past President, European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) and Professor of Medicine, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam
Anders Sönnerborg
Director, Centre for HIV Research, Karolinska Institute
Elena Vovc
Technical Officer, Joint TB, HIV and viral hepatitis programme, WHO Europe
The event will launch a “virtual good practice clinic” on chronic HIV care, with examples from across Member States. It will also discuss the European and international policy agenda to improve long-term health and well-being for people living with HIV.
For information on how to submit a good practice for inclusion in the “good practice clinic”, please click here.
Followed by a networking reception
AgendaTimings are local to the event's time-zone
Welcome and introduction
- MEP co-host: Karin Kadenbach (S&D, Austria)
- HIV Outcomes Co-President: Marc Danzon, former Director, WHO Regional Office for Europe
- HIV Outcomes Steering Group Co-Chair: Jeffrey Lazarus, Associate Professor, ISGlobal
Good practices in long-term chronic care for people living with HIV
Learning from country experiences and launch of “virtual good practice clinic”
- Peter Reiss, Immediate Past President, European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) and Professor of Medicine, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam
- HIV Outcomes Italy:
- Mario Cascio, Vice-Chair, European AIDS Treatment Group and HIV Outcomes Italy Steering Group Member and Giovanni Guaraldi, Head of the Modena HIV Metabolic Clinic, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
- HIV Outcomes Sweden:
- Peter Månehall, Ombudsman, HIV Sweden and Anders Sönnerborg, Professor in clinical virology and infectious diseases, Karolinska Institutet
- Ellen Nolte, Professor of Health Services and Systems Research, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Moderated by Jane Anderson, HIV Outcomes Steering Group Co-Chair and Consultant Physician, Homerton University Hospital, London
Followed by a panel discussion
Future of EU action on HIV
- Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety (via video)
HIV care “beyond viral suppression”
- Michel Kazatchkine, Special Advisor to Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS for Eastern Europe and Central Asia and Chair, AFEW International
Cooperating internationally to address long-term health of people living with HIV
- Elena Vovc, Technical Officer, Joint TB, HIV and viral hepatitis programme, WHO Europe
Moderated by John Bowis, former MEP and UK Health Minister and HIV Outcomes Co-President
Followed by a panel discussion
Concluding remarks and next steps
- MEP co-host: Christofer Fjellner (EPP, Sweden)
- HIV Outcomes Steering Group Co-Chair: Nikos Dedes, Chair, European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)
Networking coffee reception