Introducing HIV Outcomes Italy



HIV Outcomes Italy consists of the following members:

  • Dr. Andrea Antinori, Italian Ministry of Health
  • Prof. Anna Maria Cattelan, University of Padova
  • Prof. Antonella d’Arminio Monforte, University of Milan
  • Prof. Antonio Di Biagio, Italian Ministry of Health
  • Dr. Bruno Marchini, Anlaids
  • Prof. Claudio Mastroianni, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Prof. Cristina Mussini, European AIDS Clinical Society
  • Prof. Giovanni Guaraldi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  • Dr. Lorenzo Badia, University of Bologna
  • Dr. Marcello Tavio, Ospedali Riuniti Ancona
  • Dr. Margherita Errico, NPS Italia
  • Dr. Mario Cascio, European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)
  • Dr. Massimo Cernuschi, ASA ONLUS
  • Dr. Massimo Oldrini, Lila
  • Dr. Sandro Mattioli, Plus APS
  • Prof. Sergio Lo Caputo, University of Foggia
  • Silvia Negri, Anlaids
  • Nicoletta Policek, UK Community Advisory Board (UK-CAB)
  • Silvia Nozza, Università Vita Salute San Raffaele Milano

Activities & Milestones

HIV Outcomes Italy was launched in 2020 in partnership with The Bridge Foundation, with the aim of raising awareness among national policymakers, MPs and other relevant stakeholders on the existing challenges of living with HIV. The ultimate goal is to work towards the implementation of HIV Outcomes’ Europe recommendations and vision at national level.

  • May 2024

    HIV Outcomes held a webinar with five Italian Parliamentarians candidates to the European Parliament elections to inform and raise awarness about HIV and the iniviaitve as a whole. Four of those candidates are currently serving as Members of the European Parliament for the 2024-2029 mandate.

  • April 2024

    HIV Outcomes Italy held a training webinar for general managers and healthcare managers of FIASO (Federazione Italiana Aziende Sanitarie e Ospedaliere). The webinar addressed the training needs of hospital healthcare workers identified in the 2024 research, focusing on their knowledge of various specifics of HIV and the issue of stigma towards people with HIV.

  • November – December 2023

    HIV Outcomes Italy’s survey results on HCOs “HIV and hospitals: an evolving relationship” was dissemination to a large group of institutional stakeholders.

    The final orientational document on aging in a gender perspective was dissemniated for further reach, and HIV Outcomes Italy requested that the Regional Institutional Stakeholders include this topic in the PDTA (diagnostic therapeutic care pathway).

  • September 2023

    The theme of ageing with HIV has been included in the PDTA (diagnostic therapeutic care pathway) for people with HIV in the Lombardy region, with a special chapter dedicated precisely to the care of the elderly people with HIV, with a focus on the issues of frailty assessment and choice of antiretroviral regimen.

  • July 2023

    HIV Outcomes Italy enlarged its Steering Group with new members, including:
    – Sergio Lo Caputo, Università degli Studi di Bari
    – Silvia Nozza, Università Vita Salute San Raffaele Milano
    – Silvia Negri. Anlaids
    – Nicoletta Policek, UK Community Advisory Board (UK-CAB), United Kingdom

    HIV Outcomes Italy also held an event titled “Research work ageing in a gender perspective: Institutional presentation and discussion“, in collaboration with the technical-scientific body of the National Health Service in Italy given the contribution of various ISS researchers to the HIV Outcomes Italy working group on ageing in a gender perspective. Following this remarkable partnership, a joint press release was released and the event was publicized on the ISS institutional web page.

  • June 2023

    The HIV Outcomes Italy Secretariat conducted a successful session at the Italian National Conference (ICAR), where it presented the HIV Outcomes initiative and its activities, both at European and national level. Additionally, HIV Outcomes Italy also won a prize for best abstract in social science after presenting the findings from its research on stigma and discrimination within the Italian healthcare system.
    HIV Outcomes Italy has officially established its Steering Group, consisting of three clinicians and three community representatives. Its mission is to guide HIV Outcomes Italy future activities.

  • May 2023

    On May 17, HIV Outcomes Italy participated in the HIV Outcomes Roundtable on HIV stigma and discrimination in Spain.

  • April 2023

    HIV Outcomes Italy submitted an abstract to the Italian Conference on AIDS and Antiviral Research (ICAR 2023), focusing on its research on HIV-related stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings.

  • March 2023

    The HIV Outcomes Italian Secretariat translated HIV Outcomes policy asks in Italian and disseminated them to key members of the scientific committee and stakeholders in the country.

  • February 2023

    HIV Outcomes Italy held its first meeting of the expert Working Group on ageing.

  • January 2023

    Ahead of the Italian Conference on AIDS and Antiviral Research (ICAR 2023, 14-15 June), HIV Outcomes Italy organised a seminar to promote HIV Outcomes policy asks and to foster discussions around ageing with HIV.
    The HIV Outcomes Italian Secretariat identified its multidisciplinary working group on ageing and translated HIV Outcomes policy asks into Italian.

  • September – November 2022

    An analysis of the new institutional framework and mapping of political decision-makers after the last general elections in Italy was prepared.

    The 2022 Italian Good Practices Report was launched, including policy recommendations to improve long-term care of people living with HIV.

  • June – July 2022

    An informative leaflet which includes a presentation of HIV Outcomes Italy’s vision and mission was developed and disseminated, as well as the organization’s main policy recommendations.

    A letter was transmitted and disseminated requesting Italian National Institutions to support the integration of the European Care Strategy by adopting integrated models of long-term care, recognising HRQoL as a valuable indicator to measure well-being and addressing stigma and discrimination in care settings.

  • March – May 2022

    Advocated at National level for the extension of the remit of the European Commission’s Steering Group on Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Management of Non-Communicable Diseases to also include Communicable Diseases.

  • January – February 2022

    The final report ‘Proposals for an integrated approach to health in people living with HIV: HIV Outcomes Italy’ was disseminated among Italian stakeholders.

  • November – December 2021

    The final report ‘Proposals for an integrated approach to health in people living with HIV: HIV Outcomes Italy’ was shared with Members of the Italian Parliament and Members of the European Parliament, as well as at the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces.

  • July – October 2021

    The input received from the Delphi questionnaire was analysed and a final report was drafted in Italian. 

  • May – June 2021

    The final results of the Delphi questionnaire were received, and a discussion was held among all relevant stakeholders to begin drafting the final report.

  • April 2021

    A second round of Delphi questionnaire was shared with both community representatives and clinicians.

  • March 2021

    Delphi questionnaire was shared with clinicians and community representatives with the aim to gather information on the current situation in Italy, exploring challenges and barriers to quality of life and identifying possible solutions to address them.

    The questionnaire is based on the five recommendations on long-term health, well-being and chronic care for people living with HIV developed by HIV Outcomes Europe in 2017.

  • February 2021

    A first meeting of a focus group gathering clinicians involved in HIV care was convened in February 2021 with the aim of identifying the existing gaps in the way healthcare systems currently address the quality of life of people living with HIV.

  • January 2021

    A first focus group bringing together community-based organisations was organized with the aim of capturing the community perspective on the existing gaps in the way HIV care currently addresses the quality of life of people living with HIV.

  • December 2020

    HIV Outcomes Italy kicked off activities at the end of 2020, with the setup of a group of community representatives and clinicians.


HIV Outcomes Italy | Policy Asks Italian


HIV Outcomes Italy Secretariat
Fondazione The Bridge
Via R. Lambruschini, 36 – 20156 Milano
Dr. Lorenza Gulli
Phone: +39 02 36565535

This initiative is enabled by sponsorship provided by Gilead Sciences and ViiV Healthcare.

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