Developing a good practice compendium on long-term chronic care for people living with HIV

Event Details
Date / Time | 24 July |
Venue | Amstelpark 1, Europaboulevard, 1083 HZ Amsterdam, Netherlands Map |
Following the launch of multi-stakeholder recommendations on the long-term health, well-being and chronic care of PLHIV in the European Parliament last November, HIV Outcomes would welcome your support in ensuring that these ambitions for the health and well-being of PLHIV beyond just viral suppression become a reality. In an effort to achieve this, we aim to develop an online compendium of best practices – a “virtual best practice clinic” – to share existing best-in-class examples of chronic HIV care across Europe.
The outcomes of the meeting will feed into the online best practice compendium, a summary of which will be presented at our next European Parliament event in late 2018.
AgendaTimings are local to the event's time-zone
Welcome reception and registration
Welcome and introduction
- Nikos Dedes, Chair, European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)
Making long-term health ambitions for people living with HIV a reality
Moderated by: Jane Anderson, Consultant Physician, Homerton University Hospital, London
Case studies presented by:
- Antonella d’Arminio Monforte, Director of Clinic of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, University of Milan
- Peter Månehall, Advocacy Officer, HIV Sweden
Followed by roundtable discussion
HIV Outcomes survey results on what data national health systems currently collect and are able to collect
- Jeffrey Lazarus, Associate Professor, ISGlobal, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona
Concluding remarks and next steps
- Nikos Dedes, Chair, European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)
End of event