Launch, Meetings

HIV Outcomes: Beyond Viral Suppression inaugural meeting

HIV Outcomes: Beyond Viral Suppression inaugural meeting
Event Details
Date / Time 07 December
Venue Renaissance Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels

Event Report

On 7 December, policy-makers and stakeholders from across Europe assembled in Brussels for the launch of a new initatve. ‘HIV Outcomes: Beyond Viral Suppression’ aims to ensure that health systems respond better to the mult-faceted challenges faced by people living with HIV (PLHIV) so that they can live long, actve and healthy lives.

Improving outcomes can lead to health system efficiencies and economic benefits – e.g. by reducing future demand for health services, and enabling PLHIV to make a greater economic contribution – thereby also contributing to social cohesion.

Success in tackling HIV as a public health problem is increasingly being evaluated against countries’ progress towards the global (UNAIDS/WHO) targets for diagnosis, treatment and viral suppression (the 90-90-90 targets) – where considerable efforts continue to be required. At the same time PLHIV (including those who are virally suppressed) face numerous other health and social challenges – many of which receive too little attention in current HIV policy frameworks.

The challenges include life-long, consistent access to patent-centred care (including chronic care and psycho-social support), the prevention and management of an array of other physical and mental health conditions (co-morbidites), as well as obstacles to social inclusion resulting from stigma and discrimination. Effective action to overcome these challenges will both improve outcomes for PLHIV, and speed progress towards the 90-90-90 targets.

  • Agenda
    Timings are local to the event's time-zone
    • 9.00-9.30am

      Registration and coffee

    • 9.30-9.45am

      Welcome and introduction

      • Chair, John Bowis, OBE
      • Nikos Dedes, “Beyond viral suppression” Steering Group Co-Chair (Board Member, European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG))
    • 9.45-11.00am

      The need for a new paradigm – “Beyond viral suppression”

      Towards patient-centred health and social care systems for PLHIV

      • Jackie Morton, Chair of European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)

      What kind of health services delivery reconfiguration is needed to improve outcomes for PLHIV?

      • Prof. Jane Anderson, “Beyond viral suppression” Steering Group Co-Chair (Homerton University Hospital)
      • Prof. Stéphane De Wit, Saint-Pierre Hospital Clinic Brussels

      HIV, ageing, and co-morbidities: the challenges ahead

      • Leen Meulenbergs, WHO Representative to the EU

      Call to action: “Beyond viral suppression: Improving outcomes for people living with HIV”

      • Nikos Dedes, “Beyond viral suppression” Steering Group Co-Chair (Board Member, EATG)

      Moderated by Chair, John Bowis

    • 11.00-11.15am


    • 11.15-11.30am

      Taking action to deliver on policy goals: connecting national, regional and local

      • Ricardo Baptista Leite MP, Portugal
    • 11.30am-12.40pm

      Health system performance and HIV: improving outcomes, access and efficiency

      The EU agenda on health system performance

      • Sylvain Giraud, Head of Unit, DG SANTE B1 – Health Systems, European Commission

      Interim report: “Beyond viral suppression: Improving outcomes and health system innovation for PLHIV”

      • Prof. Jeffrey Lazarus, “Beyond viral suppression” Steering Group Co-Chair (IS Global)


      • Anna-Liisa Pääsukene, Adviser, Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs
      • Bertrand Audoin, Vice-President, International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC)

      Moderated by Chair, John Bowis

    • 12.40-1.00pm

      Conclusions and next steps

      • MEP Eva Kaili (Greece, Socialists & Democrats)
      • Steering Group Co-Chairs: Nikos Dedes, Jane Anderson, Jeffrey Lazarus
    • 1.00-2.00pm


  • Downloads
This initiative is enabled by sponsorship provided by Gilead Sciences and ViiV Healthcare.