Past Leadership
HIV Outcomes Past Leadership
Prof. Jeffrey Lazarus

Prof. Jeffrey V. Lazarus (PhD, MIH, MA) is a distinguished researcher and advocate in liver health with multiple international academic appointments. He is a professor of global health at the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy in New York City, and research professor and head of the Public Health Liver Group at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal). Additionally, he is an affiliated professor at the University of Copenhagen’s WHO Collaborating Centre for research and training in the patient perspective on medicines use and an adjunct professor in the Liver Unit at Mt. Sinai, New York. Prof. Lazarus serves on the steering committee of the Global NASH Council and is a member of the EASL Public Health and Policy Committee, where he leads the Healthy Livers, Healthy Lives coalition. He is also the program director for the annual Global Think-Tank on Steatotic Liver Disease and sits on the editorial boards of the Journal of Hepatology and Liver International. In 2023, he received the American Liver Foundation Distinguished Scientific Achievement award.
Prof. Jane Anderson

Prof. Jane Anderson is a clinical researcher in HIV Medicine at Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, with a focus on the needs of minoritised and migrant populations. Jane is an Honorary Professor at the Institute of Population Health at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), Deputy Director of the SHARE Research Collaborative Chair of the National AIDS Trust and a past Chair of the British HIV Association.